Assumption of Risk/Waiver


I acknowledge that participating in HAX Athletic Club or a HAX Athletic Club Team Camp, training for and/or participating in running and/or triathlon training, racing, or any other endurance sporting event is an extreme test of my physical and mental limits, and that training for and/or participating in such programs/events poses potential risks of serious bodily injury, death, or property damage.

I have provided HAX Athletic Club with all information that in any way relates to or could affect my physical health and attest that I am in good health and that a licensed medical doctor has verified my physical condition with me. Furthermore, as a condition of participating in any of HAX Athletic Club's nutrition, exercise, and/or camp programs, on behalf of myself and my heirs or executors, I hereby:

a) WAIVE, RELEASE, and DISCHARGE HAX Athletic Club, their directors, administrators, employees, consultants, coaches, family, sponsors, and agents from any claims, costs, or liabilities for personal injury, illness, death, or damages of any kind which I may have now, or at any time in the future, resulting from participation in this or any other program;

b) AGREE NOT TO SUE any of the persons or entities mentioned above for any claims, costs, or liabilities that I have waived, released, or discharged herein;

c) INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, and HOLD HARMLESS the persons or entities mentioned above from any claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my actions.

This Assumption of Risk/Waiver applies not only to clients participating in HAX Athletic Club's 1-on-1 coaching programs but also to any individual who joins the HAX Community, including but not limited to members, participants in group training sessions, attendees of HAX Athletic Club events, and users of any HAX Athletic Club services or facilities. By becoming a part of the HAX Community, all individuals acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this Assumption of Risk/Waiver, and they accept the potential risks associated with participating in HAX Athletic Club programs and events.

HAX programs and events include but are not limited to, virtual workouts on platforms such as Zwift, Strava, etc. As well as in person events, or races.

By participating in HAX Athletic Club's programs and events, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Assumption of Risk/Waiver, fully understand its contents, and voluntarily agree to its terms. I also affirm that I am of legal age and competent to enter into this agreement.